May 16, 2005 22:18
I think me and tom are going to be together now.. we were like cuddling in front of the tv for an hour before i left.. guess what.. i made the first move.. at least yeah.. i did. he was stroking my foot and i got closer to him and leaned in to him and then he started stroking my hands and stuff and we held hands and so on.. it was kinda cute.. we were watching mtv and dissmissed and stuff.. all the guys were gay haha..
oh well ttyl.. i still kinda miss sweety.. i had to feed only one rabbit today.. i think its gonna take a bit getting used to not giving floppy as much food as i would give them both.. i mean shes fat enough.. that little "dog" as amanda allways called her..
yeah.. i wonder how tom and me are going to act in school tomorrow.. its probably just saying hi and then walking on.. *sigh* w/e.. hes goth though.. i like that *g*