//001 [Diary room]

Mar 20, 2006 20:53

Cora peeks into the diary room before actually hauling herself in. "Fancy digs," she mutters to herself. She deposits her lighter and cigs, shaking her head that she must relinquish Dom's book. "...I promise it won't get lost, if yer watching Dom. An' no one better lose it or the Jap will have my ruddy head onna pike." She chuckles a bit, shaking her head and sits down, a bit awkwardly.

"Right then. So this isn't really wot I had been expecting...I dunno wot I was expecting. I call lolnexus in advance I think. Sounds like most of th' people here are right rich or weird an' wotall. I'm just a gel from London really." She shrugs a bit.

"I think I got roomed with the rich lookin' little brit kid an' some other bloke. Not sure how somming like that'll go but figure we'll make it work or...somming." She shrugs a bit.

"Didn't really talk ter anyone else but they look pretty nice. A right unreactionary lot though! Bullocks ter that!" She fidgets a bit and finally holds up Dom's book. "Anyway, so this is me best mate. He's back in regular ol' London. Hello out there, luv. Be a good boy an' don't kill no one, yeah?" She chuckles but her smile is odd when she says it. "I plan ter win his book back post haste an' wotall. Can't fiddle about with pieces of people, ya know."

"I doubt I'll win this thing...shite. I might get booted right off but I figure it's as good as any ter get used to th' bloody Nexus. I just plan on bein' meself." She winks and sets down Dom's book lovingly. "Cheerio luvs!" She laughs at the stereotypical goodbye she gives and heads back out into the house proper.
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