Just a heads up for anyone on my flist who may be interested, I'm now part of a team running a Fan Studies Network. I'm copying the guest post the founders posted to the Symposium Blog for info.
Guest post by Tom Phillips and Lucy Bennett
As young researchers, we are frequently told to place an emphasis on networking. It is certainly true that making connections with others can help boost your career, whether in terms of finding a co-author for a research project, or simply knowing someone at an institution that will let you know of any vacancies.
In addition to the more traditional mode of meeting others at conferences, networking websites such as Academia.edu have also proved useful, giving an overview of scholars’ academic profiles.
However, what we felt was lacking in terms of having a relatively informal space in which to bounce around ideas. The “traditional” mailing lists are useful in terms of disseminating information, but creating a dialogue via these formats is often not welcomed - mailboxes can become full of conversations about subject matters considered irrelevant by some.
In creating the Fan Studies Network, we wanted to cultivate a space in which scholars of fandom could easily find others with the same research interests, and could also converse in a non-judgemental way. To this end, we are encouraging all those who sign up to the mailing list to introduce themselves and their research. This should have the effect of allowing a sense of community - all other subscribers know that only interested parties will be seeing their messages. It also allows people to talk about their research, and in the process hopefully make new contacts.
We welcome scholars to join the network by signing up to our Jiscmail mailing list: FanStudies@jiscmail.ac.uk. You can also visit our website, which features CFPs and events of interest at
http://fanstudies.wordpress.com, and our Twitter account @FanStudies.
With the assistance of the team members who help us run FSN - Bethan Jones (Cardiff University), Richard McCulloch (UEA), and Rebecca Williams (University of Glamorgan) - we aim to host an event within the next year.
As a project in its infancy, we would welcome any feedback or suggestions from blog readers.