Before I continue, I want to let you all know that I put up Pondicherry as part of the In Color project:
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And now, without further ado.
I've got Celine Dion on in the background, which means two things. The first is that I'm looking at my Cosmic draft for the first time in a few weeks. And the second thing is that I'm horribly depressed.
I mean, yeah. I suppose it could be so much worse. But I've been sick with bad allergies for the past week or so, I feel pretty cooped up because of it, and I started going through my first round of edits today. Dylan and I met at Panera, our Let's Work On Creative Stuff spot in the city, and he went through every edit he had made so far. I made him stop at page 13 because I was tired, I couldn't even see straight because I wasn't on meds, and all I wanted to do then was work on my book. And now I have to work tomorrow and I'm just...stuck.