Jan 20, 2009 19:05
A Great American Moment 1/20/09
By Libby Tend
Right! Let’s get down to playing our fingers on the floor boards here! This country cries for its forefathers hardly remembering their names. A country that has been perceived by others as a Sleeping Giant, Pregnant Midwife, but only to prove themselves to be an obese nation…. devouring and consuming all from history to youth until their skin folds deep enough, another crevice on the body utilized as a pocket to carry your wealth as well as your weight, a nation taking up space with the desire for more.
-We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America-
I no longer fear the government solely as much as I admit to fear its people. What has been written all throughout our past has met good intentions with contradictory expectation. From the perspective of Female Rights and African Rights we have moved on over the years while standing on the pinhead of the American Dream. This American Dream has been analyzed by every citizen of the U.S. population with the role of a crazed psychologist to follow their own prognosis on what the general census “needs”.Where does this end? What is it we’re looking for?
Barack Obama’s Spicy Fried Chicken in the White Slaughterhouse
Yes, today is a fine day. Today in the year of our lords January 20, 2009 our new president has step foot onto the throne of American Society. Mr. Barack Obama has met the means of making a civilization of shallow thinking into once more believing that the American Dream isn’t entirely dead and we can change. It is the moment Malcolm X realized racism was not strictly a black or white issue, how Martin Luther King Jr. had combined many colors to paint his vision into words to secure the progression of civil rights. Of course, this is good. We must be considerate though. For the amount of weight we have put on Mr. Obama’s back could cause him to fall by even the most simple stubbed toe and, if that would be the case, you know just as well as I do that all the degenerate ignorance that has been sowing and reaping in this nation would gather together with the other forty-three presidents for a regressive stoning. There are people out there that want this and some will go by any means to see it happen. Do not put all your faith into one man to lead an army of people but let the army of people show what they can do together to prove we are a group of people worth leading.
As far as I’ve noticed from my birth our country has been in constant state of the conundrum “I blame you, for you are the reason I blame others.” And yes, I do understand that GW has left a lot of oiled and bloody bones on the doormat of this nation, but we cannot expect Obama to do all the work. That would put us in the state we progressed from, thus instead of American President of African descent we would have a Negro Slave President, polishing the White House and picking oil instead of cotton. Instead look to the first influence Barack has offered us under his new title and position as the concept of believing we can change. His whole motto has truth in the whole two words “I Believe”. Perhaps that is all that he will offer us… perhaps more? We will find out in due time. As for now, take that influence and belief to your heart and unclog those veins filled with convenient laziness that was once designed by our slave/minority based traditions or you will find us in history besides Babylon, Alexandria, Rome, etc. We cannot make advancements without taking chances.
Come up from the trenches we have dug ourselves into for the purpose of cowering and/or defending ourselves from the government. Together we may rise. Not to rise above everyone, for we’ve made that mistake in many of our comparable past police state decisions, yet to rise above our mistakes and learn to progress even further than this fine day of our lords January 20, 2009.
Thank you for your attention,
Libby Tend