Officials visiting tractor field Standing l-r: A member of the Alexandrovsk Gubernia office; Cornelius F. Klassen; Mr. Kott, the Alexandrovsk Representative of the Russian Relief Committee; Dr. Gill, the Repr. of the American Baptist organization; Alvin J. Miller; Mr. Tcherviakov, the secretary of the Gubernia Executive Committee, Zaporoshskaya Gubernia (the highest office in the Gubernia or State, similar to a Governor); A General of the Ukrainian Army; Dr. Louis, Repr. of the Northern Baptist Convention; Head of the Volost Executive Committee of the Chortitza Volost.
This Mennonite Central Committee photo documents a group of people waiting outside the kitchen in Chortitza
Caption: Two of the tiniest Mennonite maids, at the A. M. R. kitchen at Einlage. Just a little bashful, as the hand at the mouth indicates but anxious to please the American who asked her to come out on the step and stand in front of the camera.
Caption: American feeding kitchen for children, adults maintained by the cooperation of the American Relief Administration and the American Mennonite Relief. This kitchen at Einlage feeds 810 children and adults daily. This food is nursing the people back to health and giving these excellent farmers their strength to work in the field, and try to cultivate a crop for this year's harvest.
Кандидат в братскую могилу
Заголовок: пациент в Александровске, Россия. Организм ослаб от голода, подвергается нападению заболеваний органов брюшной полости, очень мало шансов на выздоровление
Группа местных рабочих - Бердянск.
Caption: Group of native workers - Berdjansk. These show plainly the swelling of the famished body which foretells an early death.
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