On the 30th I went and saw "
Hogscraper's Reunion Concert". Very nifty, being they haven't played in years. Very nifty. Unfortunately they were slated to play at midnight, me pick people up and get there by 11:15pm, but traffic made me late and we got there around 12:05 and found out they started at 11pm-ish, missed a LOT of new material, but heard some good stuff. Saw some good friends (the band included), hung out, decent time.
Halloween was spent in, like last year, I didn't really do much, dunno why, I always used to do something, big as possible on Halloween, maybe I'm just old.. bleh =P Stayed home, watched some Star Wars on DVD (hadn't had a chance yet), read some on-line comics & blogs, read news, chilled out, just totally relaxed, my four day weekend was extremely welcome, first I've had in... I don't EVEN know how long.
Of course I go vote today, go into work, and there are STILL computers up on the bench from when I left and horrible amount of new ones, good money for em, yeah, but shit, we need to get em done and out. Work was long and drawn out, too many customers 'n little things to even allow me to do much work on any computer at ALL.
The election thing is interesting, people still haven't voted in Ohio, yet the ballots closed at 7:30, but if you were in line, you get to vote, which is good, definitely a good thing, but hell, the only thing that took me long was finding out I had to vote in a diff room than I was in, so oh well. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow, or more accurately, Friday, once all the absentee ballots have been counted.
I'm apparently going to be playing more music, with other people, recording it, mastering it, and .. i dunno... making Cd's, uploading them to a place for download, both, I dunno. It's been years since I've seriously played, so I hope it works out, especially hope the writer's block goes away and I can really enjoy it, I miss making music... a lot.
Oh well, I'm tired and work early in the morning, I'm gonna read a bit, pass out, and go work. Here's to hoping we don't have four years of hell coming up (you know who I'm referring to... or should, I love flora and all, want to keep the rain-forests from disappearing, but there's definitely certain foliage I'm not so fond of...),