Apr 02, 2006 17:00
so this weekend was alright, apart from the work load i went out and got drunk... unfortunately i told my friend not to put me in the same room at this gay couple coz i was aware that it could turn into an orgy, but alsa they got so horny they left to have sex and i said no to going with them....YAY. Apart from that i heard a rumour from someone that some thinks im like a massive loner.... i dont know wat the say, the source is apparently not that reliable but then again the person who bitched is gay so we can asume that perhaps there is truth in what i heard. But what can you do?
so one of my good friends got kicked out of home, she is lazy and doesnt turn up for work so i guess its going to be really hard for her, should she leave school and get a full time job... i think yes as it would be to hard for to remain at the leisureplex with her hours and survive.
So its not a new years resolution but at the moment im on a mission to not go out and conserve my money so that i can finally get a car!