
Mar 12, 2006 20:01

So its been a while since my last journal entry and i have a lot to say.

Last weekend i went down south with my mates from high school, not all of them as my group seems to be seperating for no apparent reason, i guess some people are growing away from the immaturity and fakeness expressed by members of my group. So i arrived in dunsbourough at 12am, i know late, but we had trouble finding the place as its hard to get directions from drunk people. When we got there i sat in my cabin and drunk by myself as i forgot to bring any pillows or blankets.... wheni say forgot i really mean i wasnt told as a result of bad planning from the girl who organised the trip. the next day was good, i got up ate, then we all went to the beach and swam out far.... i got stung by jelly fish and had welts all over my chest... it was hot, everyone paid attention to me... which makes me kinda weird that i enjoy the attention. that night after baking at the resort pool i got drunk...really drunk as all my friends were taking drugs i had to amuse myself. Then after a night of walking around i passed out and woke up to find a girl in my cabin who i didnt know... in the morning i realised it was my friend em, i love you em. Teh next morning was the same, beach, pool and a trip to the chocolate factory, then when we got back we did thew whole drinking thing again, but soem guys were nice to lend us some weed, i ended up walking around with a gay hat that said malibu and thought i was in an adventure. the night was ruined by two of my friends have a major domestic, they should break up but wont... i hate how love complicates things.

The next day it was a long trip back to perth... the monday of the long weekend. i personally had fun.
the week after was slow, with me working everyday apart from the weekend.

This weekend was good, i finally talked to a guy i think to be cute and he was loverly, some other guy i thought to think of me as weird kept making attempts to talk to me and say hi, i however stupid probably appeared rude in an attempt to shield myself from being put down from a far more attractive guy.

And so thats it, i promise to write more.

Me love you long time!
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