I cant help but think.....

Feb 06, 2006 23:54

What do you do when you look at the gay scene and think where the fuck do i fit in.

I have been going to the court/connections for say a year and yet i can still walk in and see people i know and yet dont talk to, i still walk in alone more times then i walk in with people i know and i find it sad, why is it that other gay guys can find friends and i still find it hard to hang out with guys, i mean there are guys who are hot and guys who arent stunning who talk to me, i get invited to parties and go and yet it is still the same, i dont have a group.

If this was high school i would be that kid that didnt have a group, they kinda walked between people, the insight being its neither there nor the other peoples faults they just dont mesh.
I do have gay friends, i mean i can name them on one hand..... B, kerim, jeff..... yep yep, now a friend being someone i see and hang with outside of the clubs.

So what is it that i am doing wrong, do i act to arrogant or to quiet, are my looks that bad that i dont gain the attention of guys, its to hard to figure it out. I am who i am and i know what i am looking for in friends, yet i still havent met them. Or am i placing my expectations a bit to high, not really.

when i see my str8 friend i think i am one of the most lucky guys ever... i mean they are great si why cant i have that luck on the scene!
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