Gay politics

Jul 11, 2006 22:38

Imagine for a moment that the world was ruled by gay guys, every nation was ruled by gay guys based on the gay scene.

You would have USA, Canada and England being the plastics as they are the most commercial nations, Australia would be the fouth plastic.

The middle east wouldnt know what to do with them, so you would get all the government building being bombed...."in the name of allah"

Israel.... well irael would be very much like the guy...he would mood off the plastics thinking he was one of them and try to take advantage of all the weaker, younger nations... like Belarus and Uzbekistan.

China wouldnt stand a chance so they would elect a woman leader and she would then become the international fag hag.
the other asian nations would be ruled by drag queens as most asian people make really good cross dressers.

Europe would have the classy gay guys, you know the ones who are hot yet also nice and have this real sex appeal to them, yet they arent sluts.

Based on certain people on the perth gay scene i am happy to say that im sure Latin America would breed leaders who are complete studs and yet even better at being sluts, having sex with every other nation....gigitty giggity.

Poland would elect a lesbian.
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