Its been a while

Jun 25, 2006 13:39

dear dear live journal its been a while.

At the moment i feel as if i have to deal with way to many committments, not as in bills and stuff but as in groups. I feel so happy that im making great new friends who come out with me to the gay scene, but at the same time i have been straight clubbing for months and need a break, yet now my straight friends are bitching that i am no longer part of the group which is really unjustified, we have had other people leave the group and no one has really gotten that worked up, maybe i should feel loved that they would get so emotional about me not spening as much time with them. But i do hve to vent and go on the scene that way i can get sick of it and go back to straight clubbing.

At the moment my friend are pissed i missed my mates bday, i mean fair enough thats understandable but i was in such a mood last night i dont think i could have hadnled a straight venue..... just things, not major problems i suppose it was that time of month for me in a manner of speaking.

however that last 2 weeks have opened my eyes, i havent been on the scene for a while and ive started styling my hair differently, yet now im getting attention, guys want to know who i am and it feel nice....once the bracers come off watch out hahaha, not that im arrogant its more..confidence.
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