Oct 15, 2006 21:05
I know that some long surveys annoy people, but I feel like doing one anyways, so bear with me.
F I R S T:
First job: Country Scoop in Danby, selling ice cream cones
First screen name: memmiebear
First pet: Mr. B, or Beaky, our parakeet
First piercing/tattoo: besides my ears, my first percing was my nose freshma year of college. My first tattoo was...sohpohmore year? It was the start of the forest scene with just the guy and the fire
First credit card: Citibank
First real kiss: Dave Fuhrman at my first church conference 9th grade
First love: See above
First enemy: Oh I don't know
L A S T S:
Last car ride: Going up to the vet to have my dog put to sleep :(
Last kiss: a couple minutes ago
Last library book checked out: "The Handbook of Quilting"
Last movie watched: Unleashed
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: elbow macaroni!
1.What's the worst movie you've ever seen? The Severed Arm
2.What's the worst song you've ever heard? Eifel 69's "Blue"
3.If you could kill any celebrity, who would it be? Alec Baldwin?
4.Who's the worst band in the world? N Stink
5.Who is your arch enemy? Wild Bill
6.What is your least favorite food? OLIVES, damn you to hell
7.What happened on the worst day of your life? My friend committed suicide
8.What's the worst job you've ever had? Cleaning this hippies house who yelled at me for using too much water to do the endless pile of dishes
9.Who's your least favorite relative? My uncle John
10.Worst sex you ever had? hahahahahahaha...oh um...Brian AKA steve
11.What's the worst way to die? Just dying, period sucks but..being suffocated by poo
12.What do you think hell would be like? Watching the Lawrence Welk Show over and over and over again
13.If you could murder somebody and get away with it, who would it be? Wild Bill, Peter Scheck
14.How would you commit this murder? It's a surprise, but it's nasty
15.Worst book you've ever read? I've read a few in my life, I can't remember a specific one though
16.Worst tv show ever? 90210
17.What's the meanest thing you've ever done? Continually beating up my brother when we were little...I don't know, I've done lots of mean things
18.What do you hate most about your personality? I can be really vicious
19.What do you hate most about your physical appearance? The fact that I'm big?
Last time showered: This morning
Last CD played: Jerry's Neville Brothers mix
Last website visited: myspace.com
Last person you talked to: Jerry, of course
Last time you said "I love you" and meant it: Just now
N O W:
Single or Taken: Off the meat market
Birthday: 07/04/85
Sign: Cancer
Siblings: My brother Noel
Hair color: Reddish-brown
Eye color: Dark Green
Height: 5'9" biznatches
Wearing: Glasses, my old Perks work shirt, tight work out-like pants, underwear, bra
Listening to: nothing
Thinking about: I wonder when Adrian will wake up
Wishing for: not be sick
What else are you wishing for: be able to taste the cake i just made
1. What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? grasshoppers are amazing
2. Do you prefer small town life or big city life? Not too small...just give me ithaca, really
3. House or apartment? House, for sure
4. Violent femmes or Sex Pistols? Who?
5. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups or Pieces? The cups are way better
6. Morning sex or drunk sex? morning sex is a great way to start the day
07. Jenna Jamison or Belladonna? Jenna Jamison is god
8. Britney or Christina? The Mute Button (haha this is pat's reply, I agree)
9. Where were you born? Ithaca, NY
10. Pirates or zombies? ARRRRRRR MATEY!
11. Hardcore or emo? Pfft hardcore
12. Dodgeball or red light green light? oh that's a tough one..dogdeball
13. Did you get spanked when you were a kid? Maybe twice, my parents weren't big on that
14. Do you get spanked now (sexually)? No comment
15. Do you like it? Again, no comment
16. Where do you hope to be in 5 years? With another kid and my nursing degree living in my own home
17. Do you believe in love? I've got it
18. Do you believe in witchcraft? There's something to be said about it
19. Explain a holiday memory: I remember what I was really young, getting the original nintendo and ripping off the wrapping with my brother and we freaked out
21. Would you ever consider being open sexual to someone of the same sex? If she's hot
22. Some of the lyrics of one of your favorite songs: "Sweet dreams and fine machines in pieces on the ground", "And I'm wonderin wear the lions are"
23. Do you sleep with a teddy bear or a blankie? I sleep with Jerry or my son or both
24. Do you believe long distance relationships would work? It's hard but it can
25. Have you ever dated some one off of myspace/friendster? Nah, off of hotornot though once
26. How many people? none
27. What's more important: money, friendship, power or love? Love is good
28. Would you sleep with someone on the first date? No thanks, but maybe the second...:)
29. How do you like your grilled cheese sandwiches? oooooh on foccacia with rosemary and tomatos
30. What do you listen to when your heart is broken? "Goodbye" -Tracy Chapman "The Scientist" -Coldplay
31. Do you believe trust is earned, or do you think everyone gets a shot? I actually will give most people a shot
32. What do you mix your vodka with? Yick, I hate hard liquor
33. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? GARGOYLES BABY....and Darkwing Duck
34. Did you ever watch kids incorporated? What now?
35. What is your favorite John Hughes film? who is he
36. What did you think of House of 1000 corpses by Rob Zombie? Downloaded it, watched it over and over again. Love it.
37. What do you do for work? I'm a stay at home mom, thank you
38. What is your dream job? I don't really have one
39. Who is your favorite Peanuts Gang Character? Don't like Peanuts
40. Broken hearts or a broken arm? Arm, it heals faster
41. Clubs or bars? I always make cool friends at bars if I go
42. Whats the best show you've ever been to? Phantom of the opera in San Francisco
43. Do you have a crush? I've got more than that
44. Who were you in high school? A "tree person"
45. Do you believe in astrology? Somewhat, but i think it's kind of hokie
46. Do you believe in angels? no
47. Do you believe in ghosts? Absolutely
48. Do you like doing these things? On occasion
49. What is your biggest "issue" right now? money
01. Best Friends: Jerry, Molly, Eric, Mike and Sarah
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: boyfriend/to be husband
03. Current Crush: Jeremiah
04. Hobbies: sewing, quilting, drawing, reading
05. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: none, I'm a poor bastard
06. Redeeming qualities: jerry says "ever endearing"
07. If there was a question missing in one of these surveys, would you put one in? This one really covers it all
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: I hate being late
09. Do You Have A Job: full time mom!
10. Do You Like Being Around People: I'm an attention hog
11. Ever loved someone you had no chance with: story of my life
12. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: a lot
13. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Used to be long hair, beards
14. Do you want someone you don't have right now: Another child?
15. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: Yeah it's hard
16. Are You Lonely Right Now: It's been a long time since I've been lonely
17. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Ha, try probably getting hitched next year
18. Do You Want To Get Married: Very much so
19. Do you want kids: Been there, done that :) I want to give Adrian a sibling though
20. Room In house: Bedroom
21. Type of music: Hmmm...more and more older Rock, like Queen
22. Song: I like more than just one the best, Lots of Bruce Cockburn though
23. Memory: Church conferences
24. Day Of The Week: Saturday
25. TV show: Simpsons
26. Perfume or cologne: Coco Madmouselle (spelling?) Chanel
27. Number: 32!
28. Month: Hmm.. August maybe?
29. Season: Fall
30. Place to be kissed: forehead
31. Location for dates: taking a walk downtown
32. Cried: yes. a lot
33. Bought Something: beer, candy
34. Gotten Sick: I have a damn cold
35. Sang: I happen to have done Karaoke the past two nights at a friends house
36. Said I Love You: many times
37. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, but didn't: nah
38. Met Someone New: mm nope
39. Moved On: trying to, the death of my dog
40. Talked To Someone: Plenty
41. Had A Serious Talk: Yeah, lots of cursing too
42. Missed Someone: My dog
43. Hugged Someone: Yep
44. Kissed Someone: oh yeah
45. Fought With Your Parents: YEP
46. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no
47. Had a lot of sleep: Not in the past two months
48. What do you want to be when you grow up? Nurse
49. What was the worst day(s) of your life? This was already asked, I'm not repeating
50. What has been the best day of your life? Gave birth!!
51. What comes first in your life? Adrian and Jerry
52. Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend? Yet again, already asked. Yes
53. What are you most scared of? death
54. Who is your funniest friend? Andre and pat especially when they're together...holy shit. I love you guys
55. Movie: American Beauty
56. Band/Group: Tracy Chapman/Bruce Cockburn
57. Store: Jo-Ann Fabrics
58. Relative: My son
59. Sport: swimming
60. Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
61. Fruit: pomegranate
62. Car: Honda Civics
63. Name for a Girl: Autumn Rosemary
64. Name for a Boy: Adrian Manuel
65. Been dumped? Yeah
66. Dumped Someone? I feel like a heel, yes
67. Had someone be unfaithful to you? yep, bastard
68. Hiked a mountain? a couple, The grand tetons and Mt. Cadillac to name some
69. Seen the White house? No, and no thank you
70. Seen the Eiffel tower? nope
71. Tried smoking? yeah
72. Played monopoly? Star Wars monopoly all the way, baby, and I'll whoop your ass
73. Seen Titanic? 3 times in the theater
74. Kissed someone? many many many people
75. Tried a weight loss program? my own, and slimfast
76. Jumped on a trampoline? oh ywa, drunk and sober
77. Visited another country? canada doesn't count
78. Colored in a coloring book? I still do
79. Been on a plane? Yep
80. Been on a boat? A while ago, but yeah
81. Been on a train? Once, nd it was a 2 mile tour deal
82. Been in a car accident? yeah
83. Ridden an elephant? wanted to at the ren fest but didn't
84. Made a web page? Plenty, I know a bit of HTML
85. Played with Barbies? Barbies were my life back in the day
86. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look cleaner? you bet
87. Broken a bone? Never actually clean broken but the worst was cracking my Tibia and Fibula in one go
88. Call a psychic or sex hotline? Nah, too expensive
89. Watched Jerry Springer? I used to watch it religiously
90. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Especially by Mr. Baldwin in Tech class in middle school - he had a vendetta against me
91. Gotten caught passing notes in class? Yeah, i had to throw it out
92. Been afraid of the dark? Still am, only when I' outside though and in an unlit area
93. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? For my labor and delivery, yeah
94. Had stitches? Surprisingly, never
95. Dumped someone and regretted it? Regretted? no
96. Went out with more than one person at a time? That's wrong, no
97. Been arrested? Yet again surprisingly, no
98. Fallen asleep in class? In college - lots
99. Used food for something other than to eat? to decorate peoples clothing with
101. Met a celebrity? I think so
102. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes, it wasn't healthy in my case
103. Hated yourself? Plenty
104. Been brokenhearted? Ooooo yeah
105. Broken someones heart? Unfortunately yes
106. Like to walk in the rain? I have to be in the mood
107. Sleep with or without clothes on? Mostly nothing, but I HAVE to wear a nursing bra or else milk gets everywhere (yes, TMI)
108. Prefer black or blue pens? Black
110. Like to travel? Since my last plane experience, no
111. Like someone? I do, in fact
112. Do they know? I would think so, we live together
113. Sleep on your side? The only way I sleep
114. Think your attractive? Sometimes
115. Want to get married? I will
116. Who? (what? where? when? why?) Jeremiah, in one of the gardensat Cornell next summer because I love him and he's my baby's daddy
117. Alaska or Hawaii?: Hawaii
118. Are you a good student?: When i want to be
119. Are you currently in a relationship?: Certainly am
120. Are you involved in sports: If by sports you mean sitting around the house, then yes
122. Christmas or Halloween?: Halloween! I love to dress up and get free candy
123. Color or black-and-white photos?: I like both
125: Do you believe in astrology: Already asked that
126. Do you believe in God?: Nope, I'm a heathen
127. Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes, proven by my son
128. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?: Yeah I can be
129. Do you drink?: Only in moderation because I nurse
130. Do you have a car?: Nope
131. Do you have a job?: stay at home mom
132. Do you make fun of people?: Not so much anymore
133. Do you think dreams eventually come true: If you work hard enough they can
134. Fave thing to do?: sleep, which i haven't REALLY been able to do in a while
135. Fave breakfast food? cereal, to Jerry's dismay
136. Fave Candy?: hmmmm peanut M&M's?
137. Favorite vacationing spot: Maine :)
138. Favorite body part of the opposite sex: Jerry's butt and beard
139. Favorite cartoon? Simpsons
140. Go to the movies or rent?: rent
141. Have you ever moved?: At least 4 times in the past 2 years
142. Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)?: Don't tell the cops
143. How's the weather right now?: COLD
144. Hug or kiss?: big cuddly hugs
145. Last person you talked to on the phone?: My mom I think
146. Last time you showered? This morning
147. Loud or soft music?: In between
148. McDonalds or Burger King?: I'm more of a Wendy's fan
149. More romantic; baths or shower?: Showers
150. Night or day: Dawn
151. Number of Pillows?: 1 now a days
151. blankets or sheets?: my ginormous 12 foot long fleece blanket
152. Piano or guitar?: Piano
153. Read or write?: I'm a better reader
154. Single or taken?: Taken
155. Snow or water?: Snow because i can build forts
156. What are you doing tomorrow?: Taking care of Adrian, probably going up to my parent's house
157. What clothes are you wearing?: same as i was a billion questions ago (ditto pat)
158. What do you drink?: Red Rose tea, water, 2% milk and cocoa
159. What makes you vomit?: coming down with something serious/bad period cramps
160. What's on your computer screen?: crazy quilt background
161. What's right next to you?: a vase of 13 dried roses jerry gave me for our anniversary
162. What's your bedtime?: Whenever Adrian sleeps
163. What's your best physical feature?: My eyes
164. Whats your name backwards? rebmuh ylime
165. When do you get up in the morning?: When Adrian wakes me up
166. Who do you talk to the most online? Molly
167. Would you wait to have sex until you are married?: HA too late for that
168. Shawn/Sean: Kati and sonia's...uncle
169. William: previous life personality (not mine, somebody i may have know..or something like that
170. Pat: Peemoney!
171. Bobby: The guy I met when Molly came to visit me from Oswego
172. Jack: cheese
173. Tom: drum
174. Dan: Pappy!
175. Cathy/Kathy: The comic strip
176. Mary: Jesus' mom
177. Sarah: sarbear, my love
178. Jessica: Lang
179. Michael: MICHELLE!!!!!!
180. Are you a whiny bitch who knows nothing about computers? i know some!