i'm exciting! wait, no, the other thing.

Jan 18, 2008 23:59

I think ... yes. I am 100% on the Zelenka/Carter train.

I am also 100% certain I sprained some vital part of my anatomy during the McKay's password scene. Okay, and Batman. That was pretty good, too. Also hilarious: Ronon, Keller, and Jaws. "It's a lot stronger than a shark." kklsdj;fsksdf.

I'll try to bullshit a more intelligent entry about this episode some time tomorrow, and when I say "some time tomorrow," I mean "maybe." I recognize my flaws and accept them for what they are! DO NOT JUDGE ME.

Bookstores are my greatest weakness! I don't -- I don't know what happens. I think what happens is this: I walk in to the store. Overexcited by the selection of books present before me, I black out in the store. An indeterminate amount of time later I wake outside the store, my wallet empty and a totebag filled with books cutting off the circulation to my arm. On the plus side: hey! Books! It's not like I needed that money for anything important, anyway. You know. Like food.


And now, of course, I will list the books I purchased in a thinly veiled attempt to trick well-read members of my f-list into sharing their general and non-spoilery opinions, ha ha! Witness:

  • Stargate Atlantis: Entanglement by Martha Wells. (Ordered: Stargate Atlantis: Reliquary, also by Martha Wells.) HA HA HA, SHUT IT. Seriously. I don't want to hear it and I am totally prepared to point at you in a menacing fashion. Over the internet. Yeah. Bet you'll think twice next time, won't you? So there.
  • In the Night Garden and In the Cities of Coin and Spice by Catherynne M. Valente.
  • Snake Agent, The Demon and the City, and Precious Dragon by Liz Williams. (I remember a few people on my f-list talking about the Inspector Chen series several months ago, but I can't recall if the general consensus was "Fun times!" or "Liz Williams don't know shit!" I saved the receipt, at any rate. SHARE YOUR OPINIONS WITH ME.)
I also purchased the Borders Classics editions of every Jane Austen novel, with the exception of Northanger Abbey, which they did not have in stock (cry). I guess, uh, technically I already own all these books, but. They're really pretty, you guys, so I'm counting this as a victory.

Why am I so boring these days? I hereby resolve to be more awesome, starting tomorrow or possibly Sunday. Maybe Monday. I'm thinking, first I sleep for three days, then I start working on upgrading to a more awesome Mem. Game plan! All right!
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