D'you know what you need to read but likely haven't?
The Alchemists' Revenge. It's the (gorgeous, hilarious, positively amazing and entirely perfect, and I am neither exaggerating nor lying as it is everything and more) story I received for Yuletide and it is far and away one of the best Christmas presents I've ever received. If you've read the first two installments of Mr Philip Reeve's Larklight trilogy and enjoyed them, you need to read this story IMMEDIATELY. Right now. I am fully prepared to glare at you until you do so.
All you need to know is this: it is hilarious and delightful, and long and plotty, and absolutely perfect in every possible way. I can't even -- there are so many things I love! All of the things! Everything! And I don't want to spoil anything, so you really need to read it right now, for my sake if not your own.
(Speaking of spoilers! The Alchemists' Revenge is set not long after Starcross, so if you haven't read the second book yet, you really ought to steer clear of this story. For the time being, I mean. What you really ought to do is read Starcross, then read this fic, but for now you might want to step carefully.)
In conclusion, oh, gosh, I love this story so much I can't stand it. I printed it out on Christmas Day and now all the pages are wrinkly from me hugging it to my chest and heaving huge, girlish sighs over each page, and if you do not do the same after reading it, then I just do not know if we should ever speak again. Just -- oh! I love it and it is my professional opinion that you should read it and love it as well.