When I was seven years old, I took a marker to my bedroom wall and wrote [MY NAME] + SPEED RACER beside my pillow, then drew a giant heart around our names. He was the first man I ever loved and no other man can ever truly compete with him. Who could? He has the most awesome ride in the history of the universe. He attended his own funeral, then sought justice on those who had tried to kill him. He can and he will slug it out with sleazeballs, cheats, thugs, thieves, and mad scientists, and oh, oh my gosh, YOU GUYS, there was this one time when he crashed in the jungle and he lost his shirt, and you have no idea how big a deal this was to Memlu, Age Eight. Speed Racer! In the jungle! Thrashing dinosaurs and battling madmen!
This is an awful introduction.
Anyway, what you need to know is this: I have loved Speed Racer for thirteen years of my life, I have been skeptical of the upcoming movie for months and months and months, and I am now officially recanting everything I have ever thought or ever said in criticism of the film.
This shit is real:
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brb, guys, I need to go scribble Speed Racer's name all over my binder.