Puppy love!
I think it's admirable that Swizterland's government has voted to enforce new laws beginning this September that protect the welfare of pets and farm animals. Dog owners are most affected. Hooray to that.
Geneva Tribune, which has an English section, reports on the story. So does the (London)
Times, whose report is a bit more thorough. They write:
The law, which comes into force from September 1, is particularly strict over dogs: prospective owners will have to pay for and complete a two-part course - a theory section on the needs and wishes of the animal, and a practice section, where students will be instructed in how to walk their dog and react to various situations that might arise during the process. The details of the courses are yet to be fixed, but they are likely to comprise about five theory lessons and at least five sessions “in the field.”
If you weren't raised with dogs, and suddenly you decide to become a dog owner, wouldn't you do some research on how to go about it? You'd think most people would, but obviously they don't. Some of the atrocious behavior I see when it comes to dog ownership is obviously stemming from ignorance (and the rest from laziness). The closest thing we have to dog education here in the U.S. is Cesar Milan's show,
The Dog Whisperer (Cesar, by the way, is my hero). We need laws like the Swiss one here in the U.S.
Now if governments would only regulate parenting the same way, we'd be on our way to a Utopian society.
Another gratuitous Jakie pic.