Jan 18, 2005 16:44
I'm writing a Exalted: Dragon Blooded story based almost completly around my own Houses... probably because I'm a control freak. There are 16 Houses: One for each month, plus one for the 5 days of Calibration. The Houses are grouped, loosely, into 5 affiliations - again, one for each season, plus one for Calibration.
The setting is roughly a map of the islands of the South China Sea (geography time!), including: Borneo, the Spratly Islands, the Philippines, and the Moluccas.
Anyway, 16 'lesser' houses, grouped into 6 'greater' houses. each lesser house has a God-Blooded leader, Endowed & patronized by one of (originally) 15 elemental spirits & one demon; each patron was either a lesser spirit drafted by one of the 6 High Gods that inhabited the island, or a mortal that was so loved by the Gods that they transformed him into a spirit.
The High Gods are Greater Elemental Spirits (Essence > 6), except (again & again) the Demon, who has transformed into a pseudo-elemental of the Void (due to prolonged exposier to the elemental court & frayed demonic connections).
Like all of the Threshold, the Yamamoto Islands (which is what i'm calling the archepelego) were devastated by the Contagion; probably wiped clean, left uninhabited; maybe with only a very few people left. in any case, the original 5 elementals effectivally...
was waiting for a CS patch. Its up, so I'm putting this writing on pause, even though the material is infecting my whole memepool.