Every Man his own Master - Rousseau

Oct 15, 2004 15:39

My friend asked me last night if i considered myself a liberal or radical last night. it's strange: my family is very opinionated about politics, ranting and raving with each other about the newest blunder, or (if it's a slow week) Bush's lacking intellect & communication skills. i realize that political discontent in-and-of itself isn't weird, but what is is that they don't notice that they all agree. since i see thier discussions as "bush is dumb" repeated over and over, i don't really see the need to voice my own, rather similiar, opinion.
MY POINT is that being quite has gotten me labeled as "apathetic." in this city, if you don't shout, you don't care. the minor fact that i consider myself idealogically a radical anarchist is pointless when there's nothing more to say on a subject that hasn't already been said. however, the other fact that few people are saying is that Kerry is going to be, "like, better than Clinton!!1" frankly, he's not. he's going to keep us in the Middle East for a while longer (my guess is over 8 months, maybe as many as 24)... he's going to sell America, piece by piece, to the corporations... he's going to continue the imperialism that we've been so effectively dispensing in S. America, parts of Asia - fucking everywhere... he's going to ignore the troubles of minorities... frankly, "here comes the new boss - same as the old boss."
Fuck this. am i the only one who doesn't think this is the best fucking pathway that we should be led down? expanding, throwing our tremendous girth around, eating every other culture & resource we can trade for our shit.
fuck it, i know that it's the history of almost all cultures & histories... expand, absorb, or die (as someone bigger than you, who didn't decided to stop growing, eats you). BUT it doesn't have to be this way! the idea is prevalient in animals, for god's sake! our primary drives mighht have the same instincts as wolves, but our minds could free us from that instinctual grasp! we need to take control of our instincts, and fucking learn restraint! we can balance our cultures, our consumptions, with each other and our enviroment.
because, for the love of fuck, we all know what will (*not could, our would, Will*) happen if we don't. (in case you don't, i'll sum it up: everyone loses, and in a few hundred millenia, someone else learns to make fire and the whole mess starts over.)
"what can I DO, oh great and powerful, godlike-in-wisdom memeitic theorest? it seems so distant, and i feel so powerless!"
it's simple, really: don't pay your taxes, vote for Nader, vote for idiotic notions, buy a gun (only for self-defense - nothing is holy than life), do everything you can to drive shit into the ground, and wait for the air sirens. OR, go into the woods, start a farm, and simply live simply... but be ready to defend and help your fellow man, near and far.
help the poor, send food to a random address in Africa, and fight anyone who tries to restrict the rights of an indivdiual for the masses.
or, if that's too much to ask... vote for Bush. i swear to God, he'll have us in deeper shit than i expect Kerry could ever.
why am i shouting for the fall of the US? doesn't it seem against the whole "overcome our instincts" rallying cry?
yes, it is. because you can't overwrite internal, biological programing. and i'm guessing that the reason i'm sick of all this is just my biological 'push' for our continuing evolution.
Only through true, pure, undiluted anarchy can man be truely free... and only through complete political & economic equality can we continue to evolve. stagnation breeds nothing but contempt, while absolute freedom grants the freedom to change.
Let Every Man Be His Own Master.
ps: just another white male citizen, a little more than irritated at our place in history.
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