青い春 and 揶揄 Lyric Translations

Feb 04, 2013 01:30

青い春 (Youthful Spring)

Save me, if you were there
I guess I don't have to sing this kind of song
But save me, let's sing together
And we'll be as one for now and forever

ふと朝起きて 「もう終わりだね…」 なんて言われたら悲しいから
僕達だけの青き春を いつまででも一緒に 生きていこうよ
I wake up in the morning, “It’s already over…”       Because I have been saddened by these words
So we shall live on together always with our youthful spring

電車の中から見える セメント色した世界も                      
僕等が照らすよ 溢れ出す思いで                       
「まだまだ青いなぁ」って 白髪のあなたに言われたって                  
あなたが灰にしか 見えないって笑ってやるよ
The cement-coloured world that I can see from inside the train is also
Shining upon us with its overflowing memories
“You’re still too green,” you said, with your white hair
I couldn’t see you as anything but ashes so I laughed at you back

けど苦しくて 涙して 叫びたくなる時もあるよ 強い人間になりたくて      
だけど悔しくて 歯くいしばって みんなで噛みしめあえば                  
アイツ等なんかに見えはしない 強い意志でつながるから
But it’s hard, there are times when I want to cry and scream; to be a strong person
But it’s regrettable, I clench my teeth, and if everyone does so,
We can just not look at those other guys, because we’ve been connected together by a strong will

Save me, if you were there
I guess I don't have to sing this kind of song
But save me, let's sing together
And we'll be as one for now and forever

終わりは始まりなワケであって ヘコむ暇などないワケわけであって
As the end is the beginning, there is no time to be yield to the pressure
But that’s the great thing about life
I think I’ve heard this from someone before

いつも自分を持って生き きっとそれがカッコイイ                    
If I can live with the usual me, that would be very cool for sure
Because everyone’s like that and I like it

いつか別れがくるなんて 考えても 何も プラスに働きはしない            
だから共に生きよう 今を 青き春を
Even if I think that there’ll be a day when we split     There won’t be any plus points
So let’s live together     Now, in this youthful spring

この今とゆう時に  この今とゆう場所で                 
この今とゆう素晴らしい季節に みんなと出会えた 喜びは
This time that is called “now”, this place that is called “now”
This wonderful season that is called “now”, the happiness that came out of meeting everyone

何にも代えられることは できないよ僕の力では                      
他の誰でもなく絶対に あなた達と 生きていきたい
I can’t change anything with my power
I want to live on with you, and definitely not others

何にも代えられることは できないよ僕の力では                      
他の誰でもなく絶対に あなた達と 生きていきたい
I can’t change anything with my power
I want to live on with you, and definitely not others
何にも代えられることは できないよ僕の力では                      
他の誰でもなく絶対に あなた達と 生きていきたい
I can’t change anything with my power
I want to live on with you, and definitely not others

揶揄 (Banter)

Actually the days are really tasteless and bland
The meaning of it is the days that have spices peppered on them

あなた今 歳はいくつ?                               
How old are you now?
That’s everyone who wants to know when I will die

“Let’s go eat a meal together,”
With that, we go hurriedly to a hotel

“It’s not okay if you don’t put on a rubber,”
That’s you who ignored your own value

今日も狩りに出るの 今晩のおかずを
Are you happily committing an innocent crime?
Are you going out today to hunt for tonight’s meal?

I’ve kinda gotten the hang of this world already, so take me along
Hurry up and pull me over to the next life

そんなけったいなこと言えるお前には ヒトに生まれるにゃちょいと早すぎたよ
そりゃ子.丑.寅.未.申にもなるにゃあ 100万年はかかると思いますよ
To you who could say such bizarre things, it’s too early you to be born as a human
If you want to become the Rat・Ox・Tiger・Goat・Monkey, I think it’ll take a million years

I wanna be a hippie and have a lot of cookies
Across the sea to Hollywood and meet my dearest Whoopie Goldberg, Spielberg and bla-bla-bla
What am I saying? I’m insane, help me Quwa quwa quwa
Du-pa-du-pa-du-pa-du-pa-pa-pa Lupin, Chopin says “welcome my crisis now”

I guess you didn’t invite? (Really?)
This kind of song is quite horrible right? (No, not really)
This doesn’t require a fee right?
How on earth? Because, because, because, because…

Everyone’s so dull…

I’ve kinda gotten the hang of this world already, so take me along
Take me away with a tumbling Noah’s Ark

そんなけったいなこと言えるお前には 人に生まれるにゃだいぶと早すぎたよ          
ほりゃ子.丑.寅.未.申にもなる気ある? ○%#*^ △!!/×……??
To you who could say such bizarre things, it’s too early you to be born as a human
Do you still wanna become the Rat・Ox・Tiger・Goat・Monkey? ○%#*^ △!!/×……??

198603345年×お前(アホ)= そう、eternally                
日本語に訳すと要するに人間になるのは 無理
198603345 x You(Idiot) = Yup, eternally
Translated into Japanese, it just means that for you to become a human, it’s impossible
縫い合わせた傷口が開いたら 思い切って水につけてみてよ             
あとそこにちょいと塩胡椒を振ってさ 笑ってみてよ (ハハ)
If you’ve opened up a wound that was sewn together, try to put some water on it daringly
Then shake some salt and pepper on it and try laughing (Haha)

そう 尋常な感情は相乗して=無情                  
想像して妄想して ブラックホールと ボンジュール                    
暴走して逃走して 隣人と抱擁して
That’s right, multiplying common emotions together = heartlessness
Imagine it, fantasise; the Black Hole and Bonjour
Go on a rampage, escape; and hug the person next to you

来世ってとこに僕を早く ひっぱっていってよ                          
I’ve kinda gotten the hang of this world already, so take me along
Hurry up and pull me over to the next life                
Rat・Ox・Tiger・Goat・Monkey, who am I?


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