You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:
Name →
Nicknames →
Birthday →
Zodiac →
Hair →
Eyes →
Height →
Body Type →
Relationship Status →
Kids →
Pets →
Religious Views →
Political Views →
City/State/Country →
Favorite Color →
Favorite Flower →
Favorite Movie(s) →
Favorite Song(s) →
3 Random Facts about you:
Story behind your username:
1. First Name
2. Age
3. Location
4. Occupation
5. Partner?
6. Kids
7. Brothers/Sisters
8. Pets
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
10. Parents
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
12. What are some of the things you like most?
13. A photo of yourself and anything else you want to say.
So yeah, this is a good meme to do in your journal, especially if you've just recently added people from a friending meme.