Mar 16, 2006 20:23
So this is how it is huh?
This is how you treat me despite my civil ways?
I have been nice, patient with you and your misdirected anger
You think I don't get it? That I'm slow?
Guess what? I'm tired of putting up with every piece of shit thing you do to me
Tired of all the nastiness, the ways by which you keep on putting me down like shit
Tired of being treated like some loser wannabe ass who doesn't come close to an inch of your
perpetrated beauty.
Sick of the things you say, the way you push me of as some insignificant insect on the lapels of
your greatness
What, you think I don't feel a thing? That I do not hurt with every mean thing you say?
That I continually downgrade myself? That I put up with all your vileness simply because I care for you?
Do you think I care for you then? Despite the racial difference? The bias of your kind against mine?
Pure-breed versus half-breed? Half-baked reasons for logic that does not mean a thing in this shithole world?
As for the question of do I care for you?
The answer is yes. So much so that despite your being the worst villain I have ever had in my life,
you made me feel like I have some form of reason to live. That is to see you and be with you at least for a time
You are the most hateful person that I have ever liked in this lifetime. Keep pushing me off? Do it.
Let's see where all this goes. Let us see how much I could keep up with all the shit.
I have been nothing but civil and kind. Push me to my limit and see where this leads.
If there is love, let it move me to remain steady, loyal, kind, and all the nice words that make up the english language that describes what is good.
If there is no love, at least what I did was good.
I can't part with you. At least I don't think I can do that yet.
God help me, you are a pain in my brain, and in my heart that seems to have awaken the my drive to improve myself. And I do not know what will happen if I crash and burn in this rollercoaster of mixed emotions.