A brief skip along the pond

Jul 25, 2004 20:07

I've become a bit obsessed with Beatnik writing. I think our generation is on the verge of something similiar. I feel like we about to fall off that same cliff edge they walked over in the 50's. We grow more dis-enchanted with life by the minute. We can't remember the taste of anything true. We are ready to run awya and create something new. Yes yes yes, i know it won't last, but why not? WHy not take that jump off the cliff. Do you want to be fourty and still have sufficient brain cells? Why ? Why would you want to live in a society that already has such a skewed reality. People say i'm a drug addict who is obsessed with "altering my perception (Trade Mark Jason Hreha 2004). But atleast I don't kid myself. I'd rather dive into my subconcious than play in your swimming pool of lies. I'd rather take control of my lies than let that war machine feed me that bullshit. Its a choice. Its a decision. Its teh decision to leve town with 50 dollars in your pocket. Its the decision to write with your eyes closed. Its teh decision to turn around. On another note, girls are poopy butts. I want to write. I want to go join a scene of writers. Could we re-invent ourself like Keorac, Kesey, Wolfe, Thompson? Lets re-invent the dawn and stop wasting these breathes that slowly escort us to an obscure death. Rip thoses ideas from your mind.
And now i'm going to quote Jerry McGuire for the next five or six lines.
"THE human head weighs 8 pounds"
"You had me at hello"
"You complete me"
and who could forget that all tiem classic
"show me the money"
All these can be yours on our new cd.
Sleep tight ya morons!
I once new an australian man with a glass of red wine in his hand, and he did this half twirling shaking movement with his head and arm, and said to me, "jordan don't worry about the money, find the passion, find what makes you tick, and then money will follow through"
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