I just wanted to pop in and give everyone to option to let me know if you want your character to have missed work because of their condition in this last week. This is completely optional, and just to keep things more IC. I know some of the characters with jobs have players who are on hiatus and won't know what's going on, so it's only fair to not impose this on anyone who doesn't want their character to lose pay. Just let me know here and tell me how much work your characters have missed, if they have missed any. (Those who are on weekly salaries are pretty much excempt, because like most managers, their pay isn't reduced if they miss work.)
Lavi, I'm already taking your post into consideration with the money managing.
I'm going to go ahead and calculate the money right now and just take off anything that's notified to me when I hear about it.
Check This Post to make sure that I haven't missed anyone active for this week's raffle. Again, the drawing will be held tonight at 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time.