Who: Fuuta, Nodoka
What: Our two young bookworms have something that is absolutely not a date. :|
When: Backdated, around last Friday/Saturday-ish
Where: Generic restaurant scene
Rating: G / PG, probably.
really, though. it's definitely not a date. )
Comments 15
It was just dinner.
It wasn't a date.
It was just dinner.
Nodoka had to remind herself of this constantly, though despite her best efforts, it never got any less scary. Whether it was actually called a date or not didn't change the fact that, for whatever reason, the mere concept of dinner with Fuuta made her heart race and face redden. And though the feeling wasn't bad it was just to strange and hard to name that it made her nervous.
What if he doesn't come? What if he forgot? What if he decided it would be a waste of time? Nodoka gulped and turned the last corner, prepared for the worst. It was a pleasant surprise to see that her fellow bookworm was, in deed, waiting.
It took a second but Nodoka eventually drew in a deep breath and waved. "Fu-Fuuta! S-sorry to make you wait..!" She called.
It's not a date. Just dinner.
Fumbling for something to say next, he asked, "How have you been?" before realizing that they worked in the same place. Chances were, he'd know if something strange was going on with her in the first place. Stupid question, stupid question...!
"E-Eh? O-oh, fine! I've been fine!" Nodoka stuttered in response. For a moment she'd forgotten that they might have a conversation... Just standing around with Fuuta for that moment had been oddly nice.
There was a two second gap during which she said nothing. Then it occurred to her that she hadn't given him anything to reply to. So, speaking quickly to make up for the lost two seconds, Nodoka added "Wh-what about you? How've you been...?"
Stupid stupid Nodoka!
I should've asked something better than that...
"I'm doing fine," he answered. It was kind of a complicated question, to be honest. "Uh, do you want to go in now...?"
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