((Lalala, event log entry~))
It is the night of the festival, and the lake seems to be ablaze with lights, surrounded by elaborate lanterns both big and small, seemingly seeking to rival the stars above. Every once in a while, something would shoot into the sky and break out into countless balls of light before falling into the water, almost landing on the last vestiges of the summer's waterlilies, each floating with a tiny candle set in its center.
A short ways off, in the park, there is a large field ringed and dotted by hanging lanterns, not quite as exquisite as the ones at the lake, but brighter, flooding the area with light. There are tables spread out, filled with food, the first harvest of autumn, and the last of the summer's fruits; between the two is a smaller table laden with mooncakes.
There are booths in the celebration area, tables and cushioned seats walled with decorative folding screens, open to the sky. Some are small, seating only a couple, and some large, well able to accomodate a whole family. At the door of each is a small lantern, filling the booths with a warm and soothing light.
If one walks around, one begins to see something strange: some of the lanterns are covered not in pictures, but words! And not only were they words, but riddles...
((Riddle-guessing will take place