Aug 10, 2007 00:52
Hello! This is Laura (Sora and Kimihiro-mun) with a new character (yes, I am going to slow down, must remember school in a couple weeks >>), Naruto! If you're not familiar with him, he's an obnoxious, super-strong twelve year old lacking in the brain area, so have fun teasing him. Just be careful, he does bite (or rather, kick and punch).
As usual, I'm at AIM boy kyuubi and e-mail
EDIT: Hao-mun brought something to my attention. For those of you who have characters who can sense supernatural/weird things/auras/etc., and don't know anything about Naruto, he has a demon sealed inside of him. A ninetail fox, to be exact. He's pretty much dormant inside of Naruto (in fact, Naruto didn't even realize anything was wrong with him until he was told he had the demon inside of him at 12 then again, Naruto is stupid), but his power can come out when Naruto's very emotional. But only VERY emotional. The other way for the deomon's power to come out is when Naruto runs out of his own (it's called "chakra" in the manga, but it's basically lifeforce, or power), so be careful if trying to kill him? ^^; Once he realizes the fox is there, though, it'll be easier for him to pull from the demon's power when he wants.