Where do I even begin? Memento Eden was my first LJ rp game, or at least, the game that I widely consider to be the first. ♥ You guys have given me so many great memories... but unfortunately, I'm afraid it's time for me to say "until we meet again."
It isn't you guys... I honestly haven't had much of an RP drive for the past month or so. Thanks for all of the amazing memories. =) It was an amazing two years. Please friend remove
notaluchador, and
onceaguardian. For mod convenience, Olette was self-employed, Jaime was a librarian aid, and Bruce was the math teacher.
I also apologize for not being able to see them to full memory regains, but... again, thank you so much. I have had a lot of fun here and I honestly do hope I'll see some of you guys on the flipside soon.
I love you all. ♥