Attention, please!
For a while, the mods have been working on putting together a system to allow for monster attacks at Memento Eden. It isn't complete quite yet, but when it's done, it will allow for monsters from all of the worlds that Memento and Eden have pulled people from to enter Memento Eden, and for characters to fight them.
But first, we need your help. Before anything, we need a bestiary so we know what monsters are available and generally how powerful and plentiful they are. So post with any ideas you have! Just remember these guidelines:
1) Monsters MUST be generic. We will not use anything that is either unique or sentient. We're looking for mooks here. That does not mean we aren't allowing incredibly strong monsters, though! For example, we won't allow Saiyans to invade Memento Eden, but we will allow baciels from Disgaea, since they're generics.
2) Monsters may ONLY come from series represented in Memento Eden. However! This includes every series we have ever had.. So akuma from D.Gray-Man and ligers from Tales of the Abyss are both fair game! To see what series are available, check the
Taken Characters,
Dropped Characters, and
Probation List posts.
3) When listing monsters, use the following template:
Name: The monster's name.
Canon: What series the monster comes from.
Description: A brief (and we do mean brief; try to keep it at three sentences or less, please) description of the monster. What it looks like, what it does, stuff like that.
Strength: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being almost harmless and 10 being WHY THE HELL IS THIS A MOOK?!
Special Notes: Anything extra, such as unique abilities or weaknesses.
Also, here are some samples to show the sort of things we're looking for:
Name: Feral One
Canon: Fire Emblem [Tellius]
Description: Laguz that have been driven insane and locked in animal form by a mind-altering drug. Feral Ones can be cats, tigers, hawks, ravens, and red dragons.
Strength: 4-7, depending on the species. Dragons are the strongest.
Special Notes: All laguz are weak to weapons made specifically to fight laguz, such as the Laguzslayer. Each laguz tribe also has a weakness to a specific type of magic (beasts to fire, birds to wind, dragons to thunder), and bird laguz are also weak to arrows.
Name: Manakete
Canon: Fire Emblem [Elibe]
Description: Dragons that have taken on human form, but revert for combat. These Manaketes will have been produced by the Dark Dragon, and thus will have no self. Their extra energy is stored in dragonstones while in human form.
Strength: 7
Special Notes: Manaketes are weak to weapons made specifically to fight dragons, such as the Wyrmslayer and the legendary weapons of Elibe. They are also weak to the power of divine dragons.
Name: Saibaman
Canon: Dragon Ball Z
Description: Small, green, humanoid creatures that grow from plant seeds.
Strength: 7
Special Notes: Saibamen are capable of firing ki blasts, spewing extremely potent acid from their heads, and self-destructing.
Name: Liger
Canon: Tales of the Abyss
Description: Appear to be cross-breeds of lions and tigers, but are extremely vicious and form colonies. The young consume human flesh.
Strength: 6
Special Notes:
Name: Dementor
Canon: Harry Potter
Description: Tall, hooded, cloaked figures that appear to glide rather than walk.
Strength: 5
Special Notes: Dementors have the power to consume people's happiness, and, if given the chance, their souls. The effects can be alleviated by chocolate, and dementors are best repelled by the Patronus Charm.
Name: Metroid
Canon: Metroid
Description: Gelatinous, floating aliens.
Strength: 7
Special Notes: Metroids are energy parasites. They latch onto a host and suck them dry of their energy.
Name: Bidoof
Canon: Pokemon
Description: Oversized, fat rats.
Strength: 1
Special Notes: The most plentiful commodity in the known multiverse after hydrogen and stupidity.
Name: Primeape
Canon: Pokemon
Description: Monkey-like creatures with a fuzzball for a body and a pig's snout.
Strength: 7
Special Notes: Primeape are in a state of perpetual anger, and will never relent at pursuing their prey until they are caught.
Name: ReDead
Canon: The Legend of Zelda
Description: Walking corpses with wooden masks.
Strength: 5
Special Notes: ReDeads are capable of paralyzing anybody who hears their bloodcurdling scream. The paralysis lifts after about ten seconds. ReDeads can be paralyzed themselves with the Sun's Song.
ALSO! On an unrelated note, for anyone who missed it, we are
looking for a new mod! If you want to help Memento Eden prosper, please let us know by filling out the form!