So, I know Ethan said we needed a Disgaea transfusion, stat, but instead I've decided to go with a character from a completely different Genre Savvy and 4th Wall-Breaking canon. Close enough in spirit, right?
This is AF (Grif, Booster, and Edgeworth), bringing in her 4th character here. Say hello to Roy Greenhilt from the superb webcomic,
The Order of the Stick. It's about time; I've been wanting to play the guy for a good 6 or 7 months now. Just had to wait for soul and body to meet once more. Which really seems to be a running theme with my ME characters. 3've of 'em have literally died (Roy and Booster in canon and Grif in ME), and Edgey's got himself a metaphorical death in between the first 2 games.
I'll leave the psychological implications of this to you guys. It is late and I am tired. friend add great_cleavage and I'll intro him tomorrow.