First place goes to Poem 4, also known as "The Serenade of a Thousand-Year-Bachelor Amnesiac," written by yours truly,
Second place goes to Poem 11 ("Memento Eden,/Though you are an island made of sand,/And faggotry,/My heart is made of only soil,/From which grows a love,/And faggotry."), written by one lovely
Our runner-up of sorts (or third place, if you like that term better) is Poem 1, submitted by
uwaaaah. That's four a's. Same as the number in "Boom de yada, boom de yada."
The other authors were:
Poem 2 -
zebuloncrispiPoem 3 -
hurricane-chrisPoem 5 -
uwaaaahPoem 6 -
behold_the_voidPoem 7 -
cherryfoxPoem 8 -
rinningtonPoem 9 -
kaitou_marinaPoem 10 -
arivess Prizes!
First place: 8%
Second place: 6%
Runner-up: 3%
All other entrants: 1% consolation prize for the lovely submissions we got.
You may distribute these memories among your characters however you like, with the stipulation on first and second prizes that you may not award more than 5% to one character. Please leave a comment here on how you wish to spend them, for record-keeping purposes.
You may also leave thoughts/comments to poets here if you would like.
(Handy links:
Polling Results.)