Jun 12, 2007 00:26
Since you guys are being all plotty and stuff, here's the modly verdict:
1. About getting in touch with the mayor... So far, the letter that Remus sent hasn't reached the mayor. The secretary thought it was some kind of a joke and threw it away. It's probably shredded somewhere now. =D;
2. There... isn't... really much of a file database? I mean, we've been having some pretty modern stuff, but I think this world is for the most part somewhat fantasy-setting-ish. (...Shush, so we have electricity. >.>; ) So any/all databases would be in actual hard copy format.
3. G'luck capturing the robed dudes. I don't think it'd be actually possible? =D; I won't reveal too much of it yet (since I haven't decided all of it yet), but they're... not... exactly "real" in all the senses of the word. They're kind of... just... there.
Anyway, feel free to keep trying to break into the government and whatnots. However, I'd like to try to keep NPC contact as little as possible (though some is certainly fine), since the NPCs are mostly just meant to be roles, not actual OCs.
If anyone has any questions or ideas, feel free to contact me at anytime. (Well, anytime I'm on, anyway.) I respond better to IM than to e-mail, just so everyone knows. >.>; And if I'm ever not on, Heather and Kukki will generally know most of the answers or will be able to make most of the decisions.
Have fun!
This RP is so plotty andandand smut-free not smut-centered! I'm so proud of you all. XD