I know Ammie's posted about this a few days ago, but since no one's come to me asking for a deadline extension yet, I'm going to assume everyone's going to get their submissions in on time? If you actually need more time, please do say so, because if no one requests an extension, and I don't get enough submissions, I will just cancel the whole thing. (The few people who have submitted things will be rewarded, of course.)
Since Ammie didn't link to the original sign-up post last time, it is over
I've crossed out the names of people who have submitted, and will keep that updated as such.
Also, since there were some confusions about puzzles, to add a clarification (...though, er, only three people signed up for them and one was fine and I've explained to the other two, I guess there isn't really a point; um, um, for future reference?), what I meant by "non-generic" puzzles was... just... not taking a puzzle form that's been done before (ie, sudoku, crossword, word search, etc) and just substituting in your own numbers/words.
Right. I think that's all I had to say.