Okay, soooo first things first. Eve/Suzaku/Tetra-mun here to pick up a new pariah character! Please welcome Tyki Mikk! ...Or, to the exorcists, please don't kill Tyki Mikk! =D;
Second things second! Eve/Suzaku/Tetra-mun returning from hiatus! Anime Boston is over and I'm home and tired and stuff, but yay! =D For anyone who wants to see pics, I'll have them up later. =x
Third things third! I hate to do it, but I've hit a huge dead end with Suzaku, so I'm going to have to drop him. ;_; Many apologies to Lelouch-mun, who is awesome, and Ari-mun, who I'm sorry for bugging so much with that. >.>; Anyways, please remove
white_firebird... or don't, I'll probably delete the journal. =\
Anyways, that's all that!