And the winners are...!
Sagitta! Despite his strategy in the first round, Link just couldn't handle this fiesty lady! It didn't take long before Sagitta won by technical knockout!
Sora! The fight seemed to go on for some time, I remember! The two were really evenly matched, but in the end, it was a matter of speed and skill as Sora came out on top!
Kenpachi! Endrance again summoned that strange creature of his, but Kenpachi was having none of that! In an amazing display of strength, brutality, and stamina, he managed to survive the attack that sent Ryuhou into a coma, decimating the creature that Endrance summoned, which left Endrance in no state to fight!
That's all for today, folks, but tomorrow's matches are still to come! All of the following participants, please report to the arena before noon tomorrow so that the next matches may commence!
Match 4: Yuu vs Byakuya
Match 5: Trunks vs Hao
Match 6: Sasuke vs Cheri
Here's the updated matchups! Please be sure to check them out and get discussing! As a reminder, round three starts on the 22nd!
here is the healer's tent!