Due to the fact that many people are busy with Christmas IRL themselves, the event for Christmas is going to be just something light and fun everyone can relax with if they want (this is sort of why we did Christmas in July XD). For this ACTUAL Christmas, we will be following Japanese Christmas traditions more.
This means that there will still be decorations and a Christmas tree, but rather than there being an emphasis on presents and giving and family, there will be an emphasis on ROMANCE! XD Christmas Eve is the most important date night of the year, so those of you who want to have a date for Christmas Eve better hurry up and snag one! XD
Of course, if your characters still want to give everyone presents, they still can XD There's obviously no restriction on that.
The other popular Japanese Christmas tradition is Christmas cake (usually a sponge cake with whipped cream, strawberries and Christmas decorations on it. See
here.), so the characters will be having one of THOSE as well. Oh yes, there will be one of those XD
I'll be opening a log thread shortly for characters to party, snack, romance and gorge themselves on Christmas cake.
Everyone have fun!
(As an aside, the mods are aware that memories haven't been awarded for about a month. We deliberately skipped two weeks during the lottery because people were getting many memories back anyway. Besides that though, we know we are two weeks behind with memory rewards. We WILL be catching up when we are less busy though, so don't worry, we aren't going to skimp. There are other memory regain opportunities coming up - including the
tournament! - so look forward to those!)