Two days after the house guests moved on, and I find that I'm still slowly coming down off the constant state of alert. Starting to read regularly again, too, which - yay! So, this one. This was written by someone I know is a very prolific dS writer, or so others told me. I'd been looking at her AO3 profile for a long time, but there just wasn't that much there in due South so I passed it by once or twice, until it occurred to me the other day: maybe she doesn't have it all archived there? Sure enough. :)
I've not run through her entire back-list just yet, but I'm almost there. The story below stands out for me. I read it, I tried to move on, I couldn't get it out of my head. You know the drill by now. It's usually a good sign that I can't wait to talk about something.
Post-CotW, Ben and RayK have... something going on, something that's hard to pin down and call by a specific name, but that nevertheless is powerful, and makes it difficult to separate. It's a thing, definitely. Unfortunately, it also keeps being a long-distance thing, and Ray (we're firmly in his POV the entire) - Ray has a really hard time with it. It won't settle into something comfortable. He works it out, they work it out, but the journey there is intense, and largely internalized. It's also so, so very hot. And such a gorgeous read.
Half a Chance (Fraser/RayK (dS) | NC-17 | 11,766 words)
Ray found that, over time, he had developed deep and meaningful feelings for Canada. Not just because of the blowjobs, but that was definitely part of it.
brooklinegirl Spoilers below. Do read the story first, I just had some thoughts I wanted to put down about it somewhere. :)
One of the reasons why this struck me as a story that really had to be called out, is (of course) because of where/how they end up. It's unusual enough in F/K fic to see things turn out this way. But the author goes to great lengths to sell it, and I have to say... it works 95% of the way for me. And I can't tell if the other 5% are my fault, for being who I am and having the background I do, for having lived in these places myself. But I think I know what would fix it, which, as far as writing lessons go, was an immensely useful one when I sat down to really think about it.
I do buy it though. I do, and I can see it, even if I do have to fill in my own thoughts. I think it's a fantastic solution. I think... I realize the show is about Fraser. Of course it's about Fraser. Without Fraser there wouldn't be a show. We want the story he tells about himself to be the one true story, we want his desire for home, his declared self-identity to be the stable one around which all others revolve. Fraser seems inviolate. But he doesn't have to be. I just... I was frankly bowled over to see that someone had actually thought that way, had thought to mess with what Fraser's known to be capable of, however little. This is just... man, it's so fantastic.
And Ray here! Ray is so clearly drawn, his language, his actions/reactions, his feelings, his way of thinking. Terrific Ray. He makes perfect sense to me here.
This whole series is still so fresh in my mind, having just finished watching it a couple of months ago. And yet, this is a story that makes me want to go back and watch the whole thing all over again.
(Sorry for rambling more than the usual on this one.)
Further bits in my 2012 one-a-day slash recs experiment can be found on my rec: 365 tag (
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