This is a funny one. I don't really mean funny "ha ha," and I kind of hate that I've said it, because now I have to explain it and I'm not sure I can. But that's kind of par for the course for me, and this story. It seems to exert quite a bit of influence you wouldn't expect for such a slight little thing. Just under 10k words, barely-slash (and with some het mixed in too, for good measure), trope-ish (amnesia! and someone's stranded!) and not particularly anchored to any solid bit of canon. In fact, it's populated with people we don't know, and the ones we do know have forgotten themselves and are now pretty much all new people altogether. It's funny, see? I've been trying to figure out if I should rec it for over three months now. I tried just posting it to my shorter reads feed, but I couldn't go through with it. I tried just reccing it to individual people and removing it from the line-up here, but I couldn't go through with that, either.
I know I'm not exactly making it sound like a great story, here. I'm sorry. The point of all this, actually, is that it's not just a great story but a stellar one, that I read it once and couldn't put it away properly for weeks after, and that ultimately, if stories are about characters, that's what makes this one a standout. We really do get quite a bit of time here to watch these characters, one in particular. It's a time-out-of-time story, and a strange and quiet little love letter to a particular character. All tropes aside, this is just really well-executed and so very lovely.
Where There Are No Phones (Kirk/Spock (STXI) | R | 9,530 words)
"The doctors can’t tell him much. They try, he knows. He hears all about how they found him bloody on the low-tide rocks, ankle twisted like he’d slipped and head bruised and scraped all to hell. And he hears about being brought unconscious to this clinic, St. Anthony’s, a small place in an even smaller town on some backwater colony planet, too far into the mountains to attract many of the tourists that come to visit the beaches. And he hears about having nothing on him, no identification and no pack, everything but the clothes on his back probably taken out to sea with the tide that tripped him up in the first place."
anowlinsunshine ---
Further bits in my 2012 one-a-day slash recs experiment can be found on my rec: 365 tag (
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