Three things make a post, hmm? Alrighty then. This is mostly just to have something to show for the fact that I've been mindlessly staring at YouTube for the last two hours instead of making progress on the BB art (which is going well otherwise! but still...)
Thing The First:
Because that last scene just makes me sad, boo.
Thing The Second:
Thing The Third:
I feel I owe a note of explanation for the last one, beyond the obvious. I'm a fan. From way back, when I used to travel with my own ratty piece of wood paneling so I could stomp the hell out of it in peace practice. I sucked, but it was fun, and I could never decide between Cortes and Sara Baras, but that's kind of par for the course with me. Anyway, you're welcome.
(cross-posted from -
comments @ DW -