Writer's Block: First Things First

Mar 25, 2009 20:24

A boy called Yanick (might have been spelt Janick, don't remember any more) a really long time ago.

I just wanted o announce to the world that i don't care what gene therepy and prenatal genetic intervention do to the foetus in terms of personal identity. I DON'T CARE IF PERSONAL IDENTITY CHANGES. I DON'T CARE IF IT DOESN'T. I have to write 4000 words on this and I hate it already. Poopy.

My firend asked me to go out on Friday with her and I still haven't replied because I want to go but if this essay still stays like mud then I don't think it is going to happen. Sigh.

But I have been listening to Lady Gaga a lot. I seriously love her, and Paparazzi is my new favourite song. Listen and let me know what you all think!

image Click to view

Still don't have people to come with me to see Graham Norton. Who knew people are so adverse to being on TV? But y sister apparently ensures me that she'll be able to get people. Great. I am going to be stuck with her friends. Marvellous.


lady gaga, writer's block, first love, graham norton, essay

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