(no subject)

Mar 10, 2009 19:32

Prince of Persia pictures. He looks so very wrong to me (and slightly confused). He is not the Prince of Persia. At least he's not fat. That's always a good thing!

Last Tuesday ever in the Uni of York. Today was a busy day, have such a headache now. It's really annoying. My fountain pen died after 3 weeks of use and I actually spent money on it. So I had to go and buy another one. Hot pink this time-here's hoping this one lasts. It is really nice. I went to a weapon shop today. I didn't even know York had one, but it does and it is very cool! A whole load of Medival swords and armour. But they also had hand made Samurai swords. In the UK curved ones are illegal but straight ones aren't. So I bought the smallest and cheapest one there. I think my Dad will love it as a present. (And if he doesn't I don't mind keeping it!!)

I'm going to go now. Have another lovely, chilled, thirst quenching bottle of water, watch brand new Big Bang Theory and then go to bed.


my family, movies

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