Writer's Block: Seven Deadly Sins

Feb 05, 2009 22:32

(The question should have appeared here, but it didn't. Oh well.)

Truthfully I don't put much weight on the Seven Deadly Sins. I think it is a stupid way to catagorize personality traits. I also don't like to think of them as sins because I probably indulge in all of them. I LOVE food, there is the greed. Wait that's gluttony. But I know I am greedy and I get angry quickly and am jealous. The only one I actively try to not be is sloth. I really don't enjoy being lazy - I get nothing done.

And my favourite, the one I always associate myself with has to be lust. My friends always associate that with me. I am always falling in and out of lust with boys (famous and not). And I guess it is the sin, if not the most likely, the most I would enjoy to 'commit'.

I also found this feature on msn (http://style.uk.msn.com/fashion/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=13700659) about what type of underwear suits you best. And with Valentine's Day coming up I guess that there are going to be loads of features like that. But I do have a soft spot for pretty and sexy underwear and if I had the money (and a completely frivolous attitude) I would buy this set:

Isn't it so pretty? If only I had the stomach for it (there's the jealousy I was talking about).

And has anyone seen the new posters for Harry Potter 6? I suppose I should be more excited (they haven't messed up the airbrushing and Harry still looks like a boy) but they look so normal to me. And they are really blue.

(This is only one of them. You can find the other two here, www.impawards.com) I suppose the glasses show a kep and pivotal scene in the book, but I want some Ron! He has to be one of the best characters and Rupert Grint (in my opinion) can actually ACT.

I'm not even looking forward to this movie as much I should be. I rather go see:


writer's block, movies

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