Writer's Block: DIY

Jan 23, 2009 20:17

Now this question has made me all depressed. As far as I can remember I haven't ever come up with an ingenious situation in a pinch. I have solved things before. I regularly used to fix our VHS player when we still used to watch things on VHS. But that wasn't an ingenious solution. That was just me having fun and tinkering with a VHS player until it started to work again. I don't even think i have ever been in an emergency situation before.

Must remedy that. But how?

Anyhoo here are some things that I promised.

Seriously, when I saw that box my day was made.

And then I opened it

And then I drank it!! (I this picture I am sitting in the passage way. Only once I knew what was inside did I have the desire to carry it into the kitchen.)

And by 'I drank it' I mean I had one glass because any more than that i would have fallen asleep and I didn't want to do that because there was something good coming on TV later on that evening. It was actually really tasty. I am not a wine person. And I don't really like spirits like my sister (she is a big jan of Malibu and Amaretto). And beer is OK. But I enjoyed the taste of this ale.

In movie news Slumdog Millionaire had its Indian premiere yesterday in Mumbai. Everyone who is anyone in the Bollywood world was there (well almost. Some actors, and they know who they are, really didn't like the way the film portrayed Inida-as a third world country. Forgive me if I skipped a few decades and missed something, but isn't India still a third world country?)

I am completely in love with Freida Pinto's blue dress. And her shoes.

I also just realised that even though she is sitting perfectly, you can still see her underwear. At least she is wearing underwear. If my memory is correct didn't Paris Hilton once claim that she was wearing invisible underwear? If you even have the slightest suspicion that people might see more of you then they ever wish to, then it is your duty (especially if you are Paris Hilton) to wear underwear.

But aren't her shoes really nice? And her dress? I really like the colour. If only I was filthy rich and had legs like that. And the little kids look so cute, all dressed up and excited about the brilliance of thier movie.

In the world of me, I had another seminar today. Philosophy of Criminal Justice. And even though it was 90 minutes long (that's half an hour more than usual) I didn't actually notice. The tutor was very funny and I think I have a little crush on him. Which is a first for me. Not the me getting a crush bit, that happens all the time, but the fact that I fancy a teacher (or whatever he is the quivallent off) is a first. I think I had a crush on my history teacher in year 7 (tall, blonde, blue eyes and a big fan of winter sprots), but because I was 11 I can't actually remember. But this I can remember. And I don't really know why. He has no hair, and when his face expresses anything which involves the forehead, you see wrinkles, so he is obviously older than me. I don't really get old people or bald people.

I think I might be gorwing up here. I might like him for his personality.

I didn't think this day would ever happen.

And after that, I decided that it was high time I did some birthday present shopping. As the oldest of my group of friends, I have the luxary of getting presents before giving them. i can judge just how much money to spend. And it gives me peace of mind. What my friends did was team up and get me something amazing. So I thought I would do the same. But I am too late. Seperately they have already teamed up with University friends to buy gifts for each other. They all offered for me to join but I would COMPLETELY be the third wheel. And I wouldn't be able to see reactions when the gifts would be given since I would be here. A perk of having to give gifts is to see the reaction!

So since that can't happen I have to go a present hunting alone. Since I couldn't be bothered to actually go to town and browse, I used the internet. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find gifts?!?! Bloody hell!! Eventually I found what I wanted but it took me ages to get to that moment. It was a momental achievement.

Before I leave I must share this video. Are any of you fans of Bruce Lee? My cousin really is. She loves him. And while she was supposed to be working, she found the below videos on youtube. I can't remember which order I have posted the vids but one of them has Bruce Lee playing Ping-Pong and winning with nun-chucks. The other vid has the magnificent Bruce Lee lighting matched with the nun-chucks. Seriously, watch them!!


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macgyver, slumdog millionaire, writer's block, bruce lee

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