Happy Boxing Day

Dec 26, 2008 18:44

What did you all do? Did you all have a good time? Relaxing and enjoying delicious left overs?

Here in the UK Boxing Day is the day the sales in all the shops start. And every year we go. This year because of the credit crunch and just general cloud of retail doom, it was almost a certainty that the sales would be good. And my sister was very excited. VERY excited. By 7.30 this morning we were already busy shopping. More than 5 hours later we made it back home. It was a LONG day.

But while we were shopping we went to a shoe shop. Usually I get excellent service and my shoes are brought down from storage within 5 minutes if they aren't already in the shop floor. But today! Today was a different story. They had to send about three people to find my shoe. And all three fo them stumbled into LOTR territory, having to comission Aragorn to defeat Sauron II and steal the One True Shoe. Then once they left Middle Earth they had a shower and a cup of tea and a little nap.

Then they came and told me that they couldn't find it.

No, that's a lie. It would have completely spoiled the day (as it was standing there, getting more and more annoyed just gave me a headache). They did get me the shoe (but there was a little drop of blood on it. I suppose in all battles blood must be shed.)

Then, laden with bags we all came home to eat homemade blueberry muffins (yummy) and watch good old Christmas TV. Last year the TV was rubbish. Right now I am watching Narnia I. Having just recently seen the second movie they all look so young!



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