Where love is in the air

Dec 01, 2008 20:31

Love The One And Only LOVE is indeed in the air. My Mum called me yesterday to tell me that one of my cousins is engaged. Yay! I thought, a chance to show off my new tattoo and killer body to all my relatives. And even though that hasn't changed I burst out laughed when my Ma told me which cousin it is.

I may have mentioned her already. In January 2007 she agreed to mary some freak dude and in March 2007 she had moved back home. (No, really.) The wedding barely lasted two months and cost about £30,000. The reason it failed was because, and this is just here say, that he was hitting her. You have no idea how proud I was of her when I heard that she was hitting him back. (I know any type of domestic violence is wrong but I am very happy that she didn't take it and do nothing. Radia girls may be lots of things, but NONE of us are like that.)

And now she has decided to marry another dude her parents chose for her. And I find that lolarious. Not only does he have the same name as her first husband, but we (and by we it seems only me) all know that she feels over the hill, past her peak old. I think she is 27. I know. Ancient. Her Mum also told my Mum that her other children are also starting to get old. Her other daughter is 25 her son 24. I can see just how quickly the shelf is looming. And it turns out that the 25 year old daughter has had many offers but refuses to get married before her older sister.

I think I missed the signs and the whole time travel thing (maybe I blinked or something), but ended up in 1801 anyway. I am far too modern do not fit in at all with my family. I have no wish to get married (my Mum has already hinted that 25 is the end of my life perfect time to get married) and if my sister only wants to get married after me then she is going to have to wait a long time. (At this point all my old High School friends are rolling their eyes and telling me I will be the first one to die get married. And they have all heard this so many times I am sure it's like white noise to them.) I don't care if my sister gets married first-it's her life. She can procreate all she wants.

My parents, who have also had their ears bleed from hearing all of this, always tell me that a room in the house will always be there for me in my old, spinstery age (the grand 27). To which I retort that I will be so successful and rich that I will have a house for them in my grounds for when they are old. I don't know where they got the linked being unmarried with being unsuccessful but OME, what are they talking about? I think they think that I will wake up grow out of this 'phase' and see sense. And also be willing to change my surname. PAH! I think they also think I will be marrying an Asian. Another, PAH!

Unless the Asian turns out to not be an Asian. If that happens then sure. But I am prejudiced and narrow minded against Asian boys. And I know it is bad of me but as a brown girl I can see my future being hell very painful. And that's why they can't see me ever keeping my name-if I don't marry an Asian I can. Non-Asian's are far more open minded. I am sure so many of you disagree with me and I am sure there are many Asian's out there who wouldn't think I am a brazen hussy/slut or femminist freak too modern and there are probably  non-Asians out there who would want me to change my surname. But I didn't grown up with these people and here I haven't met them (the only Asians who come here are freshies who think that I actually FANCY them.) And yes my prejudices are shaping my opinions, and I am sorry about that but truthfully I am quite content with not ending up with one of these people.

And don't get me started on the Asian boy's mother (there is no need to argue about who is one on top. SHE is). They really are hellicious.

If I tell my parents I rather just have a string of sexual partners and keep my bank account in my name only, I think they might faint. So I don't tell them. Just hint at it. And they still faint.


And if my Ma actually thinks I will marry at 25 she is going to get a shock. I am far too immature selfish to get married. I may fancy boys ALL THE TIME but I am in LOVE with me. My world revolvs around me, it really does. I don't have the time or the patience for someone else and their needs and their wants-I'm still trying to get my wants and desires, and they are just far more important. REALLY.

Anyway this post wasn't supposed to turn into one of my very familiar rants. I just laughed at the reasons as to why my Cuz is getting married. I mean I didn't even think that she was divorced yet (seriously. Everyone thought that she was waiting for him to start and he was just being lazy or hoping or something). But it seems that she was a single woman again from last week ages ago. I really need to keep up with family gossip. I really do miss out on A LOT living over here. But I shouldn't laugh at her any more because she does want this to happen. She wants to be married. (And I am related to her).

Anyhoo, time to change the subject and to go onto lighter topics. I am not going to be able to see RPattz at the premiere and jump him because the premiere is in two days time. Train tickets at such a short notice is a killer in the account. And sitting on a pavement FOR THE WHOLE DAY in London is going to give me frostbite if I am unlucky and kill me if the great lady luck is on my side. Actually thinking that I would have to only be there during daylight hours is wishful thinking. Twilighters are a scary breed. They'd make the Batman cwrowd look tame (and they made my bones hurt). And I do already have RPattz's autograph so that is good. But I would love to meet the director, Catherine Hardwicke, the ONLY woman in history to ever direct a movie that has grossed as much money as Twilight has. And you know it is going to make even more. So my feminist feeling of fellowship likes her. Even if she did create the sexless sex scene (or so I have been told. Because Stephenie Meyer told her to).

I tried to make my sister go, and even though she does have a free day on Wednesday she is far too sane, annoyingly. I need help. So much help.

And I managed to live through my second last 6 hour day today. Next week is THE END. Yup, then it is London all the way (for at least four weeks anyway.) I can't beleive I managed to survive another winter here. And the Museum has already called me asking if I am free during the holidays (YESSSSSSSSSSSSS) so at least I will have some money. And be able to sleep, because the housemate is still very much awake and hungry at night. Fucker. (I am in a mood today aren't I?)


university, museum, feminism, marriage, sex

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