Where I am very confused.

Nov 09, 2008 22:14

Happy Birthday isabonita!!

I hope you have a brilliant day :D

This is not good. Already nine days into NaNoWriMo and I have changed what I want to write about. And not a little tweak here and there but a HUGE change. A complete story overhaul.What should I do? Should I start again and hope for the best or should I stick thorugh it or shomehow should I do both?

Because I am completely in love with this new idea. And I blame the movie yesterday for giving it to me. But I worry that after a while I will get bored of it too-even though I (for the first time ever) have a plan of the story. An actual plan. And I know how it will end which is gigantic for me. The only story I have ever finished is my current love but for NaNoWriMo I also want to write something worth writing. I don't want it to be runnbish :(

I wish the ideas would just stop for a while so I can finish one thing before I want to strat another. It is like this for everyone else who wants to write?

Also an update on the tattoing saga. I went on Saturday (because I was told on Thursday to come then when it is first come first serve) but the store was closed due to unforseen circumstances, which pissed me off so much. So now there is absolutely no chance of getting it done anytime soon unless I make my way there next week Sat which I think I will. I told my Ma that now I am 21 they can't stop me. After a really long 'nooooooo' from her she told me that it has to be something pretty, not too large and in a place where it can be hidden easily.

So I am thinking of getting a naked lady down the whole of my arm done. Just joking, but I have got something on my mind and I want it on my shoulder because apparently getting it done on your back makes it a tramp stamp. Who was stupid enopugh to come up with that? Getting it done on your back makes you a tramp? I thought it was supposed to be very sexy there?

Anyway I told one of my ill friends that I want one and she was beside herself with shock. How can I do something like that? Don't i know the risks? (Well thanks to her they are now drilled in me. Her Mum is apparently some medical advisor and told her that she could get cancer from tattoos. And she told me. How kind of her.) But do you know how much that pisses me off? She is giving me advice on risks when she went to Malta 3 weeks ago and within the first two hours was taking part in a threesome with 2 complete strangers. I am trying very hard not to compare but I think there is more chance of her getting some STD then me of cancer from a tattoo. I have trouble kissing random guys in clubs now because one of my friends managed to get oral herpes that way. After that there is no way I am letting anyone touch me who I don't know. And she is scared of getting a tatto because of the risks?

I know there are risks but seriously. What is she talking about? So hopefully in a weeks time I will have a tattoo and I will not be dead.

She told me today that she spent the whole of today reading about bacteria and virus which target the respiratory system. (She is ill and morbid.) And she doesn't want to rid a book because they put her to sleep. And bacteria don't?


tattoo, writing, ill, sex

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