Where it is over

Nov 05, 2008 09:35

And Obama has now become President Elect.

I have put my thoughts and joy behind the cut because I know not all of you want to read about my political rantings. So if you want to read it's all behind the cut! Warning it is very pro Democrat.

I wish I was able to stay up and watch it but I was so tired. It didn't matter though, my sister texted me at 1.00am this morning to tell me. After that I slept a little better!

I can't believe it. I wanted him to win, most people in this country wanted him to win but, as my lecturer said yesterday, if he does win it would be a 'miricle'. When you take into account everything and the fact that most of America is white, middle class and conservative to have an African American win is not something I even considered happening in my lifetime. And I am sure that loads of people have said that but being someone who is not white I am shocked by just how much he has achieved.

I also listened to McCain's speech once he found out the result and I was actually impressed. He was gracious in defeat. But it makes me think, where is Palin? Unless I missed it she hasn't said anything has she?

I think she was a huge reason as to why McCain didn't win. She isolated so many different groups. I also just read that her husband was a member of the Alaska Independence Party until 2002, a radical group that advocates for Alaskan succession from the United States.

Well. That's not good is it? She kept going on and on about little small town beieng ther 'true' America while her husband supported Alaskan Independence. How very patriotic of him.

(Source: http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/todd_palin_was_registered_memb.php)

The thing of whole small towns being real America must have really annoyed the large towns, especially New York. That's where the atrocities of 9/11 happened. So what it was 'fake' America? It seems as if she didn't really think it through.

Also having Palin as his running mate made McCain's main criticism of Obama slightly redundant. She showed her lack of intelligence and inexperience countless times throught the campaign. She did get huge crowds excited and ready to vote which was something I hugely admired, but I remember when she had no idea what Bush's Foreign Policy was. And her criticisms of community organisers (what Obama was and the only experience he has) was hilarious to watch. Suddenly all these community organisers who have always voted Republican, found themselves voting for and urging others to vote blue Donkey.

And McCain's turn around from wanting to postpone the debate so that he could concentrate on the financial crisis was a mistake. If he wanted to postpone it then he should have stuck with his decision. He shouldn't have changed his mind again. Not all that consistent.

But I think McCain truly showed his strength by the end of this campaign. He knew he was the underdog and instead of giving up he worked harder and almost constantly, encouraging people to vote and arguing that they should vote for him. And that was very inspiring. He worked hard and that should never be condemed.

But go Obama! Yay! I hope he is able to turn America around because things are really in the toilet right now aren't they? The economy alone desperately needs help. But I do feel for him, because he is going to need to strat working as soon as he becomes President. Things aren't going to be easy for him. It is like the whole world is watching and waiting.

I am watching CNN at the moment and they just said that Obama managed to break the solid South. And a few states went blue for the first time since the 1960s. I am looking at an interactive map on the BBC website and I can see that Florida has gone blue.

Enough on the political rant. Nothing else has happened today because I think I am still half asleep. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have more stuff to say!


president obama, politics

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