Where I am so bored

Oct 26, 2008 16:15

Today has definitely not been the Sunday that I imagined. I love Sunday's; they are always fun and relaxing. Today has not been that kind of day. It didn't even start particularly well. I was woken up by my house mate playing really crappy music really loudly. I am all for loud music (especially if it is good) but at 8.59 in the morning? Silence is best.

But since I was awake I had some food, washed some clothes (my housemate not wanting to wait until I can to empty the machine decided to do it himself. It is slightly strange and uncomfortable when you know he has been looking at your underwear. And I didn't appreciate it. He can fucking wait.) and watched 'Have I Got A Bit More News For You' which had come on last night and I had recorded.

I love political satirical comedy and Pual Merton and Ian Hislop are hilarious together. Once that was over I decided to do some of my reading. I need to read a couple of chapters from 'A Theory of Justice' by John Rawls.

And yes for all of you out there wondering, it is a as boring as it looks. I did get into some sort of pattern evetually but before I knew it my other housemate decided to grace us (by us I mean me) with his presence. He is a lovely person but I HATE being in the same room as he is without opening a window. The man smokes and smokes and then smokes some more. I am fine with smokers as long as they don't push me into trying the stick of death, but I can't stand the way it makes my hair and clothes smell. It haunts me in this house. I have to sleep with the window open, no matter what the temperature or weather. Once, at the beginning of last week I forgot and kept the window closed. I woke myself up in the middle of the night because I didn't like the smell creeping into my room.

So as soon as he came down I made my way upstairs. But here is the thing. I don't enjoy working upstairs. I love being downstairs, where there are other people and where it isn't silent. From downstairs even alone I can hear traffic.

And then the housemate who loves his music invited his gf over who has time off from work to stay until her time off finishes. She is a lovely person but I am a selfish person. With an extra person in the house the chances of me getting a good seat in the evening to watch some TV is very remote. Unless for some reason they decide to go to his room (which is what I am hoping for. Really hoping for.) The sitting room is set up in such a way that there are only three seats with a good view for the TV. One the smoker gets because it is a special chair for his bad back. The other has been comendeered by the weird music listener and his girlfriend. So what do I do? Sit ona chair? Write now I think it seems very likely.

I think I am very petty because this is what I am thinking-I pay a huge amount of rent while she (the gf) doesn't. so whay do I have to sit in the chair? None of them even want to watch the Strictly results or the new Charles Darwin adaptation called 'Little Dorrit' which promises much. And since Freema has been cast in it, there is no way that I want to miss it or have to watch it later on.

Why is this day so bad?

Nothing has really happened but it's all these little things which are starting to get to me. For one thing I still rather not be here. Nothing like this happens at home and I don't really know how to make this place seem less alien. And a little bit of me doesn't want to. I cannot wait until this term is over. Uni was supposed to be fun, the best time of my life. It might have been if I didn't come here.

I really need to stop all this whining. It's very unbecoming.

So on a far more happy note, I started a new book today! I managed to drag myself to the local library a few days ago and finally have gotten around to read some of my treasures.

It's light and airy and completely differnet from all the other Vampire novels I have read before, so I am enjoying it. The only problem is that I seem to have lost the book. My room is about the size of a large shoebox and still I can't find it. Really annoying. And I am starting to feel hungry.



university, little dorrit, home, strictly come dancing, books, housemates, music, smoking, have i got news for you, sad

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