Where I am being made redundent

Oct 13, 2008 21:17

My Dad told me today that Angelina Jolie has been cousing controversy by buying her son a knife (albeit a blunt one.) That wasn't the bad thing. The fact was that he was telling me. I am the one with all the showbiz knowledge, not my parents! And there he was. I was shocked and told him so. He just started laughing.

My role as celebrity informer has now been made redundent. Well, not for long let me tell you. Livejournal is great at the communities. And there is a whole bunch dedicated to Angelina Jolie.

I found this picture from dionisia2005's journal and I love it! The black and white thing really gets to me.

And this another one:

I love them both, mainly because I love her. And that hat. I want to look so starlett-like in a hat like that. Actually I want to look starlett like in anything. The glasses would be great too. I am really not picky!

(dionisia2005's journal can be found http://dionisia2005.livejournal.com/)


angelina jolie, family

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