Sister Act

Apr 29, 2010 11:06

I love life. It's wonderful. Yesterday while I lay in an exhausted and pain - filled heap, Ma came home with a huge grin on her face. Her colleague's daughter is an usher and musician at the Palladium Theatre in Oxford Circus where they are currently showing Sister Act. Guess what she had tickets to go see last night? SISTER ACT!

I can't say that my legs became more mobile all of a sudden, just that I forced them too. So I put on a pretty yellow dress and heels (excruciating, painful heels) and tried to walk up a whole load more escalators, this time while worrying constantly that I was going to break a foot. I was ridiculously happy when I didn't - it was a great achievement.

The lovely lady with me is Patina Miller, who plays Doloris. If I had a smidgen of her talent I would be a chart topping rock star right now.

 This gentleman plays Shank (the Evil Baddie) and wears a fat suit in the production. If I wasn't standing next to the colleague who knows them all, I wouldn't have recognised him.

So that makes 2 theatre productions in 2 days and 5 this month. I am loving not having a 9-5 job even if I am going to have to get some sort of paid employment soon to fund my newest. most expensivest hobby. Let's hope the interview today leads to paid work in the future!

And the big deal is that yesterday morning I did my eyebrows. For the first time in months I went from having one, to having two. And they arch. But they and my straight hair are in preperation for my interview today. I was discussing the role with the Fashion Editor (who will interview me) via email and she mentioned that I will also be asked to write articles and reviews. So I will be published. It's not a multiple award winning, multi-million pound selling work of fiction, but I will be published. Please let me not mess this up!

Live long and prosper!


fun, sister act, theatre, work

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